
Posted by on Jul 20, 2010 in Bike | One Comment

It’s July. And that means heat. Intense, ovebearing, opressive heat. There are but 3 ways to ride a bike without completely melting into a gooey mass:

1) Ride early or ride late.

2) Ride at elevation.

3) Stay home and eat popsicles.

This morning Jeff, Aaron, Keith and I opted for a combination of 1 (early) and 2. Which, conveniently, has freed up my afternoon for 3.

When I flatted during the ride, I was relieved when my fellow racers riders stopped and waited while I fixed it. In fact, Aaron even assisted in the process. Which was lucky for him, and the rest, because the thought of them riding away up the trail filled my stomach full of anger. And revenge. And anger.

Sort of like this sign at the trailhead:

Any of you who have ever ridden a trail used by horseback riders are probably doing right now, what I do every time I see this:


Luckily the singletrack, and the scenery are enough to distract one from the piles of excrement that equestrians are clearly not taking responsibility for on the trails.

1 Comment

  1. Jeff Higham
    July 20, 2010

    That hat always makes me look like I am wearing a head lamp when the camera flashes. Awesome time today. Thanks for the tour!

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