Brilliant Days

Posted by on Mar 12, 2010 in Photos, Ski | 3 Comments

The essential ingredients and process to prepare and enjoy a Brilliant Day:

1 amazing sunrise, savored.

3,100 feet of vertical climbing, to get the blood pumping.

2 laps off of the Day’s Headwall.

A various assortment of willing companions.

Combine the above ingredients liberally, and as often as needed. Add powdered snow, sunshine, and a disregard for corporate responsibility for maximum results. Consume vigorously. But be warned, such consumption can lead one to enter into a white smoke induced feeding frenzy. Resulting in a lack of sleep, several “sick days” and severe afternoon cravings for diet coke and burritos. If the above is properly mixed, simmered, and consumed, you are guaranteed Brilliant Days. Such Days are often evidenced by a thick basting of beardcicles and toothy, stupid grins.


  1. Daren
    March 12, 2010

    A willing companion says Amen.

  2. Derron
    March 13, 2010

    I wish I could grow a beard. Your beardcicles are awe-inspiring!

  3. Greg
    March 14, 2010

    The Wasatch is gorgeous. I can’t wait until I get to visit again!

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