Crunching Numbers

Posted by on Feb 26, 2010 in Ski | One Comment

I feel like I have been, to quote Karl Malone, “beating a dead horse to death” with all the avalanche talk. But these numbers from the UAC are simply staggering:

SO FAR this season:

252 unintentional, human triggered avalanches in the backcountry

52 caught

19 partial burials

5 total burials

11 injured

3 killed

Bruce Tremper described this season as “one long string of human triggered avalanches.” Both the number of unintentionally triggered slides, and the number of people caught in them are Wasatch records. It’s been that sort of year.

1 Comment

  1. Greg
    February 27, 2010

    Haha, this’ll probably sound like your mom, but ski safe man. Or just stay inbounds.

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