Going Down

Posted by on Nov 16, 2009 in Bike | 4 Comments

It’s mid November again. Which means that it’s time to focus (again) on either maintaining summer weight and fitness, or losing a bit of autumn girth. Last November I weighed in at 189 pounds – the heaviest I have ever been. Today I am tipping the scale at 174. It was a solid summer of leaving bits and pieces of me behind on the trail. But over the course of the next 3 months I want to drop another 9 pounds.


That is the goal. It is also what I weighed in 1996, when I graduated from high school.

How am I going to drop that weight? Simple: Eat Less. Nearly two years ago I started a similarly public plan, and then word of the twins came down from on high and everything spun out of control. I can’t remember how many days I spent sitting on the couch with something sugary in one hand, and one of the twins in the other. The fall of 2008 was a sleep deprived blur that I honestly have little detailed memory of. But it resulted in a fatter, more sluggish physique. I was thrilled that most of that gain melted off pretty quickly once I resumed my normal eating and exercise habits. However, I think the 9 pounds I want to drop this winter are going to be a little more challenging. Those stores have been around a little longer. And I fear they will be less inclined to give up the squatter status they have enjoyed for the better part of a decade.

For the next few months I will include my weight at the bottom of each post. The public accountability ought to provide ample motivation – especially if I am properly ridiculed for any set backs in my quest. That is where you come in. Any advice is welcome. As well as any mocking or finger pointing you deem necessary.

And while my formula for success is simple (eat less) there are a few details that are probably worth sharing. There will be some foods that I don’t just eat less of, but eat almost none of, and several foods I will eat more of: sugary, fatty, processed things that come in plastic packages and have cartoon characters on them are out. Fresh, lean, naturally colorful foods are in. Water intake will increase, while any form of liquid calories will decrease. In fact, that is something that I have done quite successfully over the last year, and I think it played a major role in dropping the weight I did. The winter training plan is coming together and will be fueled by a welcome motivation.

Anyone else want to join me? It’s simple. Publicly proclaim your goal (either on your own blog or here in the comments) and then publicly display your progress.

If on February 15, 2010 I haven’t reached my goal, I’ll do something humiliating. I am not sure just what that will be yet. Feel free to leave your ideas below. But suffice it to say, I am willing to have it be sufficiently humiliating as to provide the motivation to take this all seriously enough to make it work. But just between you and me, the podium finishes next year that ought to go hand in hand with the training and the weight loss are motivation enough. In fact, what are you going to do to join me (or prevent me from standing) on those podiums next year? Whatever it is, it better be effective.

Did I just throw down the gauntlet? I might have.

Today’s weight: 174


  1. Jake
    November 16, 2009

    I lurk on your blog often. This post is however very near to what I have been on a quest to do for sometime. Almost two years ago I was 218, the heaviest I have ever been. I began eating better and running/biking and setting goals. Not so much eating goals but events, races and such. It has really worked. I am down to 179. I raced extensively this year and dropped 15 pounds just from the start of the season. I do eat better and of course that contributes.

    I’m not huge on diets so I have little advice there. I don’t drink calories unless it is a meal replacement shake or the occasional coffee. One thing I have been doing and I highly recommend,especially if you want to get rid of some hard to lose pounds…I’ve been taking colon cleansing pills. Weird, I know. The ones I take are from Genesis Pure. I don’t know if it matters which brand. You take a couple a day and it makes you, well….you get the idea. Takes a bit of time to kick in but you’ll know when it does. Probably lose an easy 5 pounds that way.

    Good luck. I’m intrigued.

  2. Aaron
    November 16, 2009

    Hey Fatass (the mocking and/or finger pointing that I deem necessary), if you don’t make your goal weight, how about you ride around on your bike with a big Hawaiian Moo Moo for a day. Oh wait…

  3. Bob
    November 16, 2009

    yeah, fat ass, hah. i got some ideasa for humiliation.

    I stay at 150, year round, regardless of what i eat, which is fat compared to what i weighed when i started racing, envy that fatty.

    Wait, whose blog is this?

  4. mark
    November 16, 2009

    If you don’t make your weight, you need to ski Scotties top to bottom on a powder day wearing nothing but a speedo. Or maybe boxer shorts cuz I don’t want to see you in a speedo but I would want that on film.

    I’m targeting a seven pound drop myself. If I don’t make it either, I’ll join you. Crap. Did I just say that?

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