You Were Here

Posted by on Mar 19, 2009 in Ski, Wasatch | No Comments

Something that has immediately stood out to me about backcountry skiing is the way that a slope, with just a line of S curves cutting through it can stir the soul. I am new to the backcountry scene. And so my opportunity to cut those turns has been limited, both by experience and ability. But with time that will of course all change. But even in the few tours I have done I have at least felt that sense of accomplishment that comes from looking back up at a hillside, admiring the turns and saying ‘I did that. I was here today’.

Nobody can undo those first tracks.

And I am not certain that that particular evidence exists in any other sport. In mountain biking you follow a trail that people have moved over in every direction, every day, for years. And even when you do cross a primitive or little used section of singletrack, all that is left is the trail. Unchanged. As if you never were there at all.

But those turns cascading down an otherwise untouched snowy slope are absolute proof that ‘you were here’.

And I find that extremely appealing.


  1. Rick Sunderlage
    March 20, 2009

    is that you on the T6 homepage?

  2. Grizzly Adam
    March 20, 2009

    Yeah. Rime Ride last year.

  3. Greg
    March 20, 2009

    I totally agree with you… absolutely nothing like knowing you were the person to slash that slope, which was once a sea of untouched right that now has your signature turn all over it.


  4. dug
    March 23, 2009

    “Nobody can undo those first tracks.”

    well, that’s not entirely true, is it? give me an hour and a couple guys.

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