GrizzlyCast #3

Posted by on Nov 4, 2008 in Uncategorized | No Comments

I have finally posted a new GrizzlyCast. Click to listen.

It is a cloudy morning. Grey and black the sky churns and turns over head. It is late July. The twins are scheduled to be induced tomorrow. We brace ourselves. The same way we have been bracing ourselves everyday since January. That new reality inevitable and impending is knocking at the door. I glance out the window to Timpanogos. While not the highest peak along the Wasatch, it is the most prominent, recognizable, iconic. It towers over the valley unseen by the masses below. It is just another forgotten landmark, blended in with every other everyday existence. The trees, the clouds, the sunsets and moonrises. All overlooked by the hustling and bustling of people and children hurrying home to stare at the box in the living room. Eager to see exotic locales, absurd comedies, and steamy soap operas. Oblivious to the amazing geological wonder standing over them. Unaware of the miles of trails, canyons, meadows, hollows and drainages that make up the mountain. Ignorant of the history and the myths behind the sentinel of the valley. Apathetic to the quiet solitude it so easily and readily offers up. Not everybody. But many.


  1. MOCougFan
    November 6, 2008

    Seriously Adam, you have to keep doing these. I have moved away from the Wasatch Mtn’s over 10 years ago. I still get back to ride a couple times a year. Your words bring pictures to my mind and memories to my heart. (Man that sounded cheesy…sorry). I totally miss the mountains. Keep my iPod happy. awesome to listen to you when I drive.

  2. the original big ring
    November 8, 2008

    Hey Adam, just gave a listen. Very cool. You got some kind of talent putting all those words together, one after another – very creative. I might try a pod cast some time, but who wants to listen to me cluck like a chicken ? Cause that’s the only verbal talent I got!


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