New Links

Posted by on Mar 27, 2007 in Uncategorized | No Comments

I finally got around to adding some new links to the blog roll. It took me long enough. They are all good reading, so go enjoy!

Dave Chenault
Marko Ross-Bryant
Tom Purvis
Craig Barlow
Bernice Pierson
Ed Ellinger
Eddie Odea

Tom Purvis has a great explanation for how he named his blog, Team Velveeta:

As of 2007, racing mountain bikes has been part of my life for 10 years, and I have been riding them for 20. As a cross-country racer, I was never a standout. I have not stood on a race podium since I left the Beginner Category. But I’ve done relatively better on longer, more difficult courses. After doing my 1st 24 Hour race I noted: “I am like Velveeta–I’m not very good, but if you leave me out all night I don’t get any worse.

Well said Tom, well said!

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