The Nebo Loop

Posted by on Aug 6, 2005 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Had a great ride today up and over the Nebo Loop. In the end I think we rolled over about 85 miles.

Off to an early start, Tim and KC are wondering why I am taking photos over my shoulder.

This is proof that at least once today I was in the lead.

But enough of the fun stuff, soon enough the road turned upward and we went up and up..
…and up

But we were rewarded with a gas station stop after we hit the bottom of the loop.

I felt pretty good most of the day. Wish I had felt this good last week at the Epic. Anyway, thanks to Chris, KC and Tim for a good ride. Oh, and KC, the Rocky Mountin’ Huntin’ Show WAS today, so that must explain why the traffic was so low on the mountian.

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